On A Runway

Video HD, silent, 2010


Duration: 4:34 min

The work was realized in Northerly Island Park, in Chicago. In this location just a few years prior were the grounds of Meigs Field, an airport which was dismantled by the authorities in a single night. I invited twelve people who didn’t know each other, to take a walk together, in the same direction, each holding a piece of mirror. A camera recorded the group walking. As the rays of the sun were reflected by the mirrors, the movement and rhythm of each person were accentuated. The reflected light referred to some kind of code from a group whose faces were only vaguely discernible.

Performers: Anthony Romero, Jillian Soto, Marisol Plard Narváez, Margeaux Temeltas, Kush Thompson, Jordan Scrivner, Justin Kreindler, Nancy Jill Tien, Georgia Wall, Chris Cuellar, Blake Heo, Katie Bateman, William Amaya Torres, Guillermo Gudiño

Photos: Yoni Goldstein, Tommy Heffron

On A Runway

Video loop 1:18 min